
Design based Smart Home-Office Spaces

Pre-COVID-19 plenty of people worked from home, sometimes benefiting from the quiet, self-created environment. In stark contrast to the millions of people working from home today as companies take precautionary measures to reduce the spread of the corona-virus.

This approach has started as something very casual but as more companies are embracing the future of employees working from home, this could put the burden onto family spaces. Creating a medium to long term working space in the home need not be an intrusion or a constant challenge of balancing this lifestyle; there can be a well-planned flexible use of space or a dedicated work-only space.

These spaces can be big and small, eclectic and colourful, sparing and minimalist; dedicated furniture, technology or light-filled mixed use spaces.

‘The New Normal’…how I loathe this sentiment, however I cannot get past that the overarching point is that there must be change and we are better to embrace this to drive a far-reaching positive impact to our balance of life….less sitting in rush hour traffic, better defined breaks & time-out, efficient use of technology and working to fit with our lives. Dare I say it, I’ve never used my garden more than I have done these last few months and the saving time on ironing is fantastic.

-        Separate home offices; outbuildings, annex, remodelling to benefit from an underused space,
-        Home adaptations in technology, improving views out and creating better spaces,
-        Use of acoustic treatment, quiet booths/rooms, integral sound systems,
-        Improve your internet connection, A/V system, facilities, security, lighting and entertainment,
-        Opportunity to create your home-gym, time-out space, coffee break and space to focus,
-        Layout and activity-based work spaces, inspiring spaces and vibrant injection of colour,
-        Bringing the green into your home with mini-office gardens; indoor greenery, natural materials and a therapeutic approach,
-        Dynamic and flexible spaces; collaborative online meeting arrangement, better comfort in digital meetings,
-        Work posture, varied seating for different work tasks; we love the ability to raise our desks!!
-        Improved cooling for hardware heavy environments, better monitoring of air quality through technology,
-        Lighting; 3 point lighting systems – task, general and ambient interior lighting,

Doing more with your under-used space; design based Smart Home-Office Spaces and a focus on well-being whilst working from home.

I try to keep mine clutter-free with vast amounts of storage, appliance cupboard, light-filled and surrounded by plants. The desk is a standing desk which is a huge help for my posture and overall energy levels throughout the day. I mean, what world did we live in before we could get Play-dough snacks delivered most days by my 2.5yr old son!

What does yours currently look like? How would you like yours to be?

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